- Deeper
Into Tantra intensive study group
- 3
Day Tantra workshop, Chicago
- Feb 10, 2006 Intro
to Tantra, Heritage Center, 7-9 PM
- Feb 25,
2006 Sensuous Massage Exchange
- March
24 7-9 PM ..... Community Spirit Dance - Heritage Center
- March 31 7-10 PM.... Snuggle Party, attendence
limited to HARP members and guests
- April 10 - 16................ Passion, Intention
& Manifestation, MAUI, HI
- April
29 ....................... Tantric Feast
- July 13 ......................... Erotic Edge seminar, NFNC
- August 16, 6:30 PM.................. Osho
Chakra Breathing, Va Beach
- August 20, 4:00 PM.................. Chakra
Loop Breathing, Va Beach
- January 13, 7-9PM
.............................. Introduction to Tantra - Heritage Center
- January 21, 10:30
AM 3:30PM ......... Tantra Workshop, Va Beach
- January 25 & 27 ..................................
TANSU for couples workshop, Va Beach
- WHAT IS TANSU? First time on the East Coast!!!
More info here!
May 25-27 ................................WHO
IS IN? . . OSHO Awareness intensive
- August 5, 10AM
- 4PM ...................... OSHO Active Meditation Intensive, Va Beach
- August
15 - Sept 1 ............................. TANTRA IN BALI with MARGOT ANAND
- September 9, 10AM
- 4PM .............. OSHO Active Meditation Intensive, Va Beach
- October 13, 7-9PM
............................ Introduction to Tantra - Heritage Center
- October 19, 20, 21..............................
3 day Tantra Workshop, Arlington, VA (call or email me for info)
- October 28, 11AM -
4PM ................. Tantra Workshop, Va Beach
- October 28, 11AM -
4PM ................. Tantra Workshop, Va Beach (alternate flyer)
- Sunday April 13,
1-5 PM..................... Intro to Sensory Awakening Through
Touch and Massage
Sunday June 8, 1-5 PM....................... Sensory Awakening
Through Touch and Massage LEVEL II
- Sept 11 - 13 .............................. Presenting on intimacy and Communication at Harbin Hot Springs California
- February 12 & 13
(my segment is Sat evening)
- Zegg Forum - Be Alive Authentic and True! - once a month meetings: Starting March 27
- Sept 28 - 30 2012 .................................. WHO IS IN? Residential Awareness Intensive
- December 7, 2012
................................ Creating Consious Relationship
- Sepember
21-28, 2013 ...........................Tantra Retreat Sept 21-28 on Gozo,
- November 19 - 24, 2013 .....Near San Franciso, CA.................... Pelvic Heart Integration
Training, Level 1 (I am assissting)