Text Box: Deeper
Into Tantra:  Unlimited Orgasm
Going further into Tantric practices brings us through the Heart Center into the deeper intention of red Tantra:  orgasmic pleasure as a meditation tool and pathway into Divine Union.

In this three-part series, you will have an opportunity to bring your bodymind to a new vibrational level, by increasing your orgasmic response and extending your capacity for ecstasy beyond its current limits.  As we open, profound and subtle states of Love and Unity become possible.


Session I:  Clearing the Way

After connecting with the group in puja (Tantric ritual) and creating a safe container for this intimate work, we will review basic Tantric techniques for moving energy, and clear unwanted sexual/erotic programming that might inhibit the expression of your Divinity.


Session II:  The Feminine Fountain of Love

Reuniting with the community that bonded in Session I, we will prepare with exercises to open the inner lover and deepen the connection between partners.  Women will explore with their partner the awakening of the sacred spot, and the possibility of unlimited orgasms as the capacity for release expands further and further. 


Session III:  The Masculine Way to Bliss

As the community comes together again, we bring our focus to the unique ways that a man can extend his orgasmic potential and surrender into a deeper wave of bliss.  By learning to separate orgasm from ejaculation, and receiving sacred spot massage from their partner, men will discover the next level of Tantric awakening.


DATES:  April 4-5, May 2-3, May 30-31 (Friday 7-10 pm, Saturday 10 – 6)

COST:  $160 per session, $420 if paid in full by March 28th


This intermediate level workshop is appropriate for people who have experienced a beginning workshop with us or other qualified Tantra teachers.


Gwenn Cody, LCSW and Haridas Kornylak, have many years of experience as healers, teachers and therapists.  Along with extensive training in body-mind therapies, they are both Certified Tantra Educators ™ and have studied with some of the most well-known teachers in the world, including Margot Anand of Skydancing Tantra and Charles and Caroline Muir.  They offer workshops, personal intensives and individual sessions in Portland and Virginia Beach, VA.