Sun, Sept 9
10 AM - 4 PM

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Cost: $40

Contact and Questions:

Call Premin at
(if you get voice mail, please leave your number, and good times to call back)

More Info:

Each day, Premin will guide us through three of OSHO’s Active Meditations. She will choose which ones we do, based on her intuitive interpretation of the group for each session.

Release stress, tensions and repressed emotions, opening the way to a new vitality and an experience of profound silence. Each meditation provides an opportunity to express and experience repressed feelings and emotions using breath, sound, movement, and catharsis to prepare the mind and body for relaxation and the letting go of tensions. You become aware of your body sensations, thoughts and feelings in a self-accepting way without judgment, and meditation then becomes easy as your awareness opens to fill the moment.

Many meditative techniques require one to sit still and silent. But for most of us accumulated stress in our bodymind makes that difficult. Before we can hope to access our inner powerhouse of consciousness, we need to let go of our tensions. This was the inspiration behind the brilliance of the Osho Meditative techniques. We begin with a clearing and attuning process that naturally leads to a profound silence at the end of the session.

Osho Active Meditations have been scientifically designed by Osho over a period of time to enable us to consciously express and experience repressed feelings and emotions, and learn the knack of watching our habitual patterns in a new way.

For 17 years, Premin has been a leading facilitator of mediation at the OSHO Mediation Resort in Pune, India where she resides. In Pune, she also practices OSHO’s Rebalancing body work technique. She visits Virginia Beach in the summer and provides experiential opportunities for others to have a direct encounter with their essence through meditative techniques.