Love Intimacy and Awareness Institute, and TANTRA-VAB.COM, invite you to:


Deepening into

Sensory Awakening

Through Touch and Massage

For both singles and couples. Level I, or other previous massage/tantra experience required.*

Sunday June 8 1 - 4 PM - - - Virginia Beach

$40.00 per person

In this workshop we will explore more deeply into practices and experiences to help you be more fully present while giving and receiving conscious touch and massage. In part I we used visualizations, breathwork, meditation, and hands on practices to invite you to open your own senses. Then we applied this increased aliveness to relax into a comfortable ease taking turns as giver and receiver. Now we will build on this foundation to become aware of how we may have limited our full enjoyment, empowerment and honoring of our body up till now, and how to safely expand these limits.

While you will be learning specific massage technique, our emphasis is on:


        Experiencing your body in its natural state of joyful relaxation.

        Increasing awareness, presence and responsiveness in each moment.

        Remaining grounded in self awareness while opening even more fully to receiving.

        Exploring how clear personal boundaries create freedom.

        Being aware of, and effectively communicating desires and boundaries.

We intend to maintain gender balance, so singles may place yourself on our wait list to be matched with other singles. Existing couples of any gender orientation are welcome.

*For those who missed Part I we will offer a refresher from 10 to noon preceeding this session.

For registration and further info:

Call Rosie Taylor at 876-1521 - or - email wmyoga @

Harold Kornylak, D.O. practicing since 1983, specializes in manual medicine and a wide variety of body-oriented psychotherapeutic approaches. Following massage training with his grandfather Dr. Reilly, he supervised the Therapy Department of the A.R.E. in the early 70's, and has been an instructor with the Cayce Reilly school of Massotherapy. Additionally he has studied and taught Tantra and sexual healing with some of the premier teachers in the U.S. and abroad, including Margot Anand, Charles and Carolyn Muir, and Deborah Anapol.

Rosie Taylor, E-RYT, CMT has been practicing and teaching Iyengar Yoga since 1978, and massage and myofascial release since 1999. She enjoys applying her experience in yoga, bodywork, and extensive training in body-mind approaches to creating experiential intensives.