Invitation and Announcement
Sensual Group Massage Exchange
Saturday, February 25, 7:00 – 10:30 PM
Virginia Beach
Led by Harold Kornylak & Amber Seitz
Fee $12
Experience giving and receiving the gift of sensual and loving touch, freely and without pressure or expectation, in an atmosphere of unconditional love and acceptance
Description of the event:
Sensual Group Massage - Groups of four people per massage table, each will take turns, three giving massage to one receiving for about 30 minutes, then switch to a new receiver until everyone has three turns giving and one turn receiving.
Why attend?
● Some people come because they want to soak up abundant, sumptuous, healing touch, so missing in our culture
● Some people come to enjoy the atmosphere of unconditional love and acceptance
● Some people come for the joy of surrendering - of dropping their armor and letting go into an ocean of sensuality
● Some people come to fulfill a fantasy of being sensually massaged by many people at once
● Some people come for the satisfaction of gifting others - of seeing how much fulfillment and bliss they can facilitate
● Some people come to explore their limits - to open to exploring how much energy, expansion, and ecstasy they can embody - to see how vast, how divine they naturally are
● Some people come for the sheer pleasure of it.
We all know that it's an unusual and fulfilling experience in life to receive the full energy and attention of even ONE person. But to have a team of three people give you their full attention, give you whatever flavor of energy and experience you desire - that is a rare and blissful opportunity!
No previous massage experience is expected, this is not intended to be a professional or therapeutic massage.
The person being massaged controls all aspects of their massage, including the level of erotic touch.
You are encouraged to ask for whatever experience you would like to have, and it is up to those at your table to give in such a way that honors their personal boundaries. One of the purposes of this experience is to be able to know and clearly ask for whatever your desires are, without expectation, attachment, or shame, and for the givers to practice loving compassionate support while they also clearly know and honor their personal boundaries.
Some people feel more freedom to explore their sensuality knowing that it will not move into sexuality. Others feel more freedom knowing that however they choose to express their sensuality, it is welcome. We believe it is empowering for everyone to be able to acknowledge their preferences and be supported in them, so we will have two separate rooms with different agreements. The “sensuous only” area will have an agreement that participants will not carry their sensual enjoyment into sexual expression of any kind, nor will those giving massage do anything with the intension of sexual arousal. Appropriate activities in the “fully permissive” area will be limited only by the fully consensual agreements of all four participants at each table.
We have no rule about clothing. Dress is whatever is comfortable for you. For most recipients, the less clothing you have on, the more enjoyable the massage. Nudity is encouraged but not required. You could decide to wear very loose soft clothing, you could wear a bathing suit, you could be naked, you could start with one and decide to switch to something else depending on comfort level. We also suggest, but don't require, those giving massage to be equally undressed to support an atmosphere of openness, equality and trust.
Ask for exactly what you want and do not is your massage. As we learn to more lovingly communicate our wants and needs, everyone is served. This event is all about honoring each other, and our selves, with loving awareness. Finding our joy in giving and receiving, never taking. The rule “no means no” is absolute and no deviations are tolerated.
You will be kept with anyone you mutually request, and joined by other participants to form a group of four. Most massages consist of two women and two men at each table. Same gender couples are normally placed at a table with another couple of their gender, if desired. You can also register as a group of four, regardless of gender, and be placed at the same table.
You are encouraged to register with a friend or a group.
Singles will be placed on a wait list until they can be matched with a group.
Requirements – READ CAREFULLY
● You must be pre registered!!!!
● Please bring a large towel and/or an old sheet to be massaged on. If you would be more comfortable starting while covered with an additional towel, bring that too.
● Bring signed disclaimer form (“MASSAGE DISCLAIMER”).
● Massage oil will be provided – however, you may bring your oils if you prefer.
● BE ON TIME! Arrive by 7:00. Nobody will be let in if they arrive after 7:15.
● Fee of $12 per participant.
● Due to the size of the group, on-site showers or hot tub will not be available, so bring clothes you would be ok wearing afterwards even with some oil on your skin.
To Register
All those on the “HaRP-Private List” and their partners and guests at the same table are pre-qualified.
Others must be approved by the coordinators.
Fill out the “RSVP FORM”, as instructed on it.
Once you are registered, We will send an EMAIL confirmation with the address, directions and any other relevant information. DO NOT ATTEND without first receiving this confirmation.
Due to limited space, and gender pairing preferences, please do not register unless you are sure you will be able to come. Failure to appear after registering may preclude registering for future events.
Thanks !
Harold & Amber