Massage Workshop Disclaimer and Agreements
During this workshop, you will be massaged by other participants, not by professionals. There is no intention to provide professional massage. You commit to taking care of yourself, and speaking up if something is uncomfortable or undesirable to you at any time. You are responsible for using common sense and good judgment at all times. If you have traumatic issues concerning your body, such as that resulting from sexual abuse, you are responsible for knowing your limits and not allowing yourself to go past them. The ultimate responsibility for your well being and safety lies with you.
Each person will have the opportunity to request where and how they want to be touched. You are responsible for stating you boundaries and respecting those of others. Not honoring the rules or the boundaries stated may result in immediate dismissal from the group.
The facilitators will attempt to honor the participant's gender composition preferences of the group; however, there is no guarantee of the gender of the people who will be in your group, nor the exact number. Unless participants state a particular requirement when they register, it will be assumed that no one will decline touch from someone else because of gender.
Any money exchanged is to reimburse expenses of providing the event and not payment for any services.
Please sign and date below, and send with payment or bring with you to the workshop.