Margot Anand - Founder of SkyDancing Tantra®. Best selling author, powerful international seminars.
Tantra - Charles and Caroline Muir, information,
and schedule of offerings of very effective seminars in "The Art Of
Concious Loving" throughout the US.
Art of Sexual Ecstasy - Margot's best
seller book on Tantra - contains a comprehensive set of well explained, step
by step Tantric sexual techniques, for singles and couples to practice
Art of Sexual Magic - Once you've experienced the benefits of "Art of Sexual Ecstacy" you are ready to advance to learning how to utilize that energy for positive changes in your life
Art of Everyday Ecstasy - The teachings
in the two books above, presented in a non-sexual context
Art of Concious Loving - A very practical easy reading summary of Charles Muirs teachings on tantra
Tantric Love - Beautifully illustrated easy reading exploration into tantra for couples to deepen thier connection