Harold Kornylak, D.O. has been in medical practice since 1983. His specialties include Osteopathic Manual Medicine, Psychotherapy, Intimacy, Tantra, and a wide variety of body-oriented psychotherapeutic approaches. Prior to his studies in medicine he achieved Master’s degrees in Physics, Biochemistry, Eastern Philosophy, and research in the Neurophysiology of Consciousness. He was inspired to pursue Osteopathic Medical Training by the seeming miraculous results in the patients of his grandfather, Dr. H J Reilly. Over the last fifteen years he has studied and taught enhancement of intimacy, relationship and conscious sexuality with some of the premier teachers in the U.S. and abroad including Margot Anand, Deborah Anapol, Jack Painter, Charles and Carolyn Muir, and many other teachers and practitioners of psychotherapy, acupuncture, acupressure, meditation, and many varieties of Osteopathic Manipulation and Body Work. His continuing passion is to refine his unique ability to help others to experience fulfillment and ecstatic states, in their lives and relationships.
The Birth of Dr Kornylak’s L.I.A. Method
After working with thousands of people Dr Kornylak noted that illness within the patients bodies is usually the result of a lack of awareness, resulting in choices that inhibit the naturally intuitive, self-correcting and deeply intelligent nature of their life force. Thus he found that techniques which could assist the patient in removing these blocks to healing were effective even where other treatments failed. During this period of integration and refinement of these many methods of healing, the LIA Method was developed. Reflecting on patients who had overcome difficult medical challenges to regain full health, he noted three main factors were at work:
· Awareness - Being present to all of what is in this moment, without escaping into fantasy or denial. Awareness is the foundation and source of all experience, of all that we can ever know or be or create. · Love - Beyond just acceptance, into a full embrace and celebration of what was found with that awareness. Love is the source of the vital energy of healing and transformation · Intimacy - The willingness to be seen in this full reality of what is true for you at this time, and to receive the transforming power of love.
Experience this powerful approach to obtaining optimum health in your body, in your personal growth, and in your relationships. Sessions are tailored to fit the needs of the individual and can focus primarily on:
· Healing Physical Symptoms · Clearing Emotional Difficulties · Accepting yourself more deeply · Deepening Intimacy with your partner · Fullfilling sexual relationships
For more information contact Dr. Kornylak :
757-491-3294 kornylak@verizon.net Tantra-VaB.com |
Sessions for individuals, couples, or other partnerships.
One hour office sessions.
Phone sessions.
Extended intensives for individuals or partnerships.
Structured programs for groups.
Available in Virginia Beach, or at your location by arrangement.
Dr. Harold Kornylak, D.O., creator of the LIA Method |